Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Home Alone

Relaxing by the fire on a cold and rainy evening. Well, I'm relaxing. Michelle is cutting out a pattern to make pajamas for some old guy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Sunday

One last set of Christmas pictures. This one includes all of us that are here with the presents from Yoshiaki and Naoko.

Christmas Day

We missed Darcy. Here her lonely stocking hangs by itself.

The stash from Clarissa's stocking:

The stash from Josh's stocking:
The stash from Matt's stocking:
Curtis & Michelle in the sweaters sent by Yoshiaki and Naoko. Arigato Gozaimas!
Preparing to play the new game called "Swashbuckled". It's about commerce and piracy on the high seas. It's similar to Settlers, but with a touch of Risk too.
This is Christmas Day dinner: Pozole - according to Mom's recipe, which is chicken broth with shredded chicken and hominy, combined with any or all of the following ingredients according to the diners taste: shredded lettuce, oregano, fresh lime juice, sliced green onions, sliced radishes, chili powder, and cilantro. Dinner also included taquitos and spanish rice. For drinks we had several flavors of Jarritos. And for dessert: Flan!
Thanks, Michelle, for a great Christmas dinner!

Christmas Eve with Joshua's family

Joshua's family has a tradition of a small gift exchange on Christmas Eve, where the presents are hidden - not underneath the tree. A series of clues takes the recipient on a treasure hunt to find the gift. Here are a few photos of the night.

Clarissa received a CD: "Sing along with Disney Princesses"

Matt received a deck of playing cards. Each card is a poster from a Star Wars movie.

Josh and Matt checking out the posters from all over the world - on Matt's playing cards.
In the image below you can see the "Y" students celebrating their new "Y" pajamas.

Miss Ashley found her present: a Princess bubble lamp night light.

After the gift exchange we had a Christmas program prepared by Ashley and her father, that included scriptures from the old and new world, poetry and singing Christmas Hymn. (Clarissa wasn't asleep).

The Mother-in-laws preparing dessert.

Josh and Clarissa enjoying dessert.

Michelle & Curtis ready to enjoy the peppermint ice cream pie.

Jeana and Ashley:
Clarissas' Aunt on the left.
Clarissas' Sister-in-law on the right.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Whettens

FLAN - On Christmas Eve morning.
We have a friend, Reggie. Reggie has a mother, Connie. Connie makes the best flan. This is Michelles interpretation of Connies recipe. Connies Flanny is delicious! Too bad this is for dinner on Christmas Day.

Flan and the cook in her Eeyore Pajamas.

Mrs. Iss relaxing on the couch 17 hours before... you know what.

Breakfast at 10:20 a.m. That's the life. Joshua, Clarissa's husband agrees. And what's for breakfast?

YES! Lucky Charms!

The Christmas tree about 16 hours before... you know what.

Joshua and Clarissa.
Clarissa likes her Dad's retro jogging suit. OK, it wasn't retro when Dad got it umpteen years ago.

This is to document that all the stockings were hung from the chimney with care: Mom, Clarissa, Josh, Darcy, Matt, Jeana... wait a minute... WHERE'S DAD'S STOCKING!?

Josh and Curtis fire up the Wii to do battle (as a team) against the tanks.

Matt takes over for his Dad and continues the destruction of those evil tanks on the Wii.

Fiscal responsibility: Michelle is making sure the bills are payed on time... even if it means a trip to the Water Dept. on Christmas Eve. Well, thank goodness for the internet. We've registered with the Water Dept. and now we can pay the bill from the very same seat I'm writing from. Isn't that sweet.

The great thing about having Jeana around is: there will be GOOD food.

Here's Matt chillin' with his best friend Galan.

Here's Jeana relaxing on her mother's favorite spot on the couch.

Jeana brough carolers with her this Christmas. Here they are set up opposite the front door.

Jeana started playing a beautiful piece by Camille Saint-Saens named "The Swan". She eventually coaxed me into joining her - but it was a struggle.

Michelle rescued me from struggling through the duet with Jeana.

Fifteen fingers: Jeana (10) and Michelle (5) at the piano.