Monday, June 21, 2010

She made it!

Darcy wrote from Korea: 
"I made it...all is well. The school is really great. The girl that picked me up last night took me to a grocery store for some milk, cereal and juice. My apartment is really cute, I love it! They got me dishes and bedding and even soap/shampoo so I was very comfortable. I have only minor shopping to do. The school, the apartment, and a little grocery store are all on the same street within 5 minutes of each other. I'll write later about the town. Needless to say, I feel very welcome and comfortable here. Will send pictures soon. Also, they gave me a really cool cell phone last night, all set up and ready to go."

I'm certainly relieved, Michelle is too, and Clarissa too.  As for Matt?  He probably is too, but he's cool enough that the rest of us will never know.  (Renae, does it come with the name or did your Matt come with more than 2 emotions: happy and angry.)

1 comment:

croc said...

Awesome!!! Darcy is in for a great adventure!!!