Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Darcy writes from Nepal:

Namaste! I've arrived in the village of Parewandara, in Lamjung district. If you're looking at google maps it might be easier to find another larger village called Pokhara. It was a six hours on three buses (the longest bus ride wa 5 hours) and 25 minute walk to get here so I'd be surprised if you can find it on google.

Kathmandu was not my favorite place. It was busy and dirty and just not pleasant. I did get to see a beautiful temple and some incredible government buildings, but I am very happy to be here in the village.

It's beautiful, cleaner, quieter.

I am staying with the founder of the school, and his family.

He and his wife speak English and are very caring. They have 3 chidlren, the oldest lives with her grandparents in another village to go to school there. The second is 2 years old, and the third is 2 months old. Her cousin also lives here, she's 18 and we share a room.

The house is simple and comfortable enough. Last night we went to sleep at 8:30pm and woke up at 5:15am. It was great! We had breakfast at 8:30 and I feel like it's been a productive morning already. Last night I met three of the girls who attend my school (Little Star) and we had a lot of fun playing. We caught lightning bugs, walked to a nearby temple, received a blessing from the Hindu priest there, and jumped and played game lots. You are right Mom, I love the children already. I think I just needed to get to the village and make myself at home to feel comfortable here.

[The school founder] and his family are very accomodating. They told me to ask if I need anything and that they would teach me how to wash the dishes (I asked for this). Their house is very open, I brush my teeth and wash my hair outside. We'll see what I'll do to bathe myself...

They seem to have power outages often here so I don't know when I'll email again. Hopefully I'll get my sim card today and give you a call.

Love you lots!


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