Friday, February 29, 2008


As I got off the plane in Tsuyama, on the East coast of Japan, I came across this flower in the corner of the walkway from the boarding ramp to the airport terminal. I was ahead of the others in my group, so I paused and took a couple of pictures. It's unusual for me to get an image as interesting as this one in such a quick moment. For me, each photo shoot is a learning process, an exploration. How does the subject look from this angle? What about from over here? What if I change the lighting? What about different settings on the camera? This picture was taken with my Nikon Coolpix 995. That camera had the unique design that would allow you to rotate the lens to any angle while holding the display screen fixed. Unlike most cameras where the photographer has to be in line with the camera and the subject, I could be above or below the camera and see the subject. My Nikon eventually died. The newer version of the Coolpix 995 was getting bad reviews so I ended up with a Canon with a display screen that rotates to just about any angle.

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