Monday, August 4, 2008

Cliff diving in the Med

I mentioned that Cinque Terre is a group of 5 villages set in the cliffs. Vernazza actually has a beach that's about 70 yards long. The waves are non-existant. So instead of catching waves, the exciting thing to do is cliff diving. You remember the cliff divers at Acapulco, right? Well, keep that in mind as you envision me climbing high up a cliff, perching on a small little ledge, timing my dive to coincide with the right wave and then launching myself off into space. Ok, if you haven't been to Acapulco, think of Nacho Libre. Actually the cliff was not that high and I jumped instead of diving... but it was still thrilling. Darcy got the picture which will be added to the postings later. The bad part about climbing around the rocks are the barnacles. I got scraped up enough to bleed a little. Maybe I'll try it again tomorrow after the hike. I'm hoping to get up early and hike to the next couple of villages to the south and then take a ferry back here. This hike & ferry ride comes highly recommended by new friends we met a few hours ago while we were watching the crescent moon set in the sea. I'll let you know how it turns out.

1 comment:

Lorena Holmstead, CHBP, CRTS, LSH said...

Boy, for a minute I thought you really had "dived" into the Mediterranean. Yikes! I guess I shouldn't have been worried since you were well enough to write about it! What fun! What fun! Thanks for posting.