Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Update from Darcy

Darcy is interviewing for the opportunity to teach English in Korea. I'm taking the liberty to share her most recent email:

"Second interview was pretty good. The soothing Australian voice of my interviewer helped a lot. And his chuckle was adorable. I'm so ready for international English.

No offer was extended formally but I think I will hear from my recruiter first. I did get word back from my friend in Korea. She said the location may not be ideal because it's about 1.5 hours from church, LDS single adult socializing etc. The subway system is excellent, but still. She recommended some job search sites and said she'd put word out for me. So, we'll just see what happens. (I'll still do more searching.)

Just thought I'd let you know.

Thanks for your support.


1 comment:

Elaine Brown Billings said...

Wow that will be an adventure for cute Darcy!